Requirements Engineering

Graphic displaying the whole software development process cycle from idea over marketing and testing to presentation.

Before software can be developed, it is important to know exactly what is needed. With my many years of development experience, I have gained a comprehensive insight into what is needed on the developer side to translate customer requirements into professional software.

Advantages of Good Requirements

Projects – especially in software development – are complex. Diverse business and quality requirements, a fixed budget, many stakeholders and heterogeneous teams drive up the complexity. The basis for a good project is communication. This also includes the definition of requirements.

Unclear goals make prioritization and measurability difficult. Even worse: the development department implements the requirements to the best of its knowledge and belief, only to discover weeks later that the stakeholder wanted or needed something else. More than once I have experienced in practice how unclear requirements led to a function or software component taking longer to develop than planned.

My Services

With my experience I support you in a structured way with:

  • Process analysis and documentation
  • Stakeholder interviews
  • Requirements analysis and documentation
  • Translation between IT and business

Your Benefit of Working with Me

Nicolas Wazulek working on his cell phone on a sofa in the office.

To ensure that your project is successful in the long term, my mission is to enable the project participants to carry out requirements management themselves in line with their project. 

What a collaboration with me looks like

Get to Know Your Project

Kick-off to get an insight about your goals, stakeholders, structure and technical details

Get to Know Your Current Processes

Learn more about how the business workflows look like in real life and where the obstacles are

Conduct Interviews With Stakeholders

Gain an insight into the different desires of involved Stakeholders

Documentation of Processes and Requirements

Make sure, that nothing gets lost and everyone is on the same side

Transfer into Requirements for the Development

Ensure, that the developers know what they should implement

Are you looking for further support for your project to overcome obstacles in the requirements analysis? Feel free to contact me without obligation.