Backend Development

Implementing APIs and Services

Photo of a laptop with an IDE running on it, displaying code.

Backend development is about everything that happens behind the scenes. The goal is to provide the functions that an application ultimately makes available to the user. The field extends from the development of interfaces, implementation of business logic and algorithms to the retrieval and storage of data.

With the continuous development of .NET and ASP.NET WebAPI, Microsoft offers a large framework of possibilities for creating high-performance and cross-platform services, suitable for the respective use case. In addition, cloud services can be connected quickly and easily, allowing modern and scaled software to be built.

Through my activities in this field, I have gained experience in implementing RESTful APIs and microservices with HTTP and GRPC endpoints. Highly available and resilient services allow applications to be served even when a server, node, or third-party system is down or undergoing maintenance. Scaling services requires a shared cache to answer requests regardless of the service instance. Therefore, I have been working a lot with the Redis key-value database, which provides fast access to cached values.

Modern software development is a team sport. The backend alone does not make a complete application. To achieve an outstanding result, I work closely with other team members, such as frontend developers, DevOps engineers and product owners.

Security is the be-all and end-all of modern development. By organizing and managing penetration tests, I have learned what matters and what an attacker looks for. The OWASP Top Ten list is the basis for making applications and interfaces more secure against cyber-attacks.

A sample of the technologies I work with:

  • .NET 6 (.NET 8)
  • Entity Framework Core
  • NServiceBus
  • GRPC
  • Autofac
  • MediatR
  • Redis
  • FluentValidation

Looking for support for the development of your backend? Contact me today!