FaaS – Function-as-a-Service

Implement Business Logic without worrying about Infrastructure

Cloud servers in a data center, that run function as a service code to provide a first-in-class development experience.

With Function-as-a-Service, code can be deployed for business logic without having to manage the underlying complex infrastructure. This includes, for example, provisioning and maintaining servers, installing, configuring, and updating required framework components or server services, or writing infrastructure code to log events or capture metrics.

The use of FaaS is particularly advantageous when reacting to events or triggers. Thanks to the pay-per-use billing model, only the used computing resources are billed. In addition, the functions can be scaled to match their workload.

The Azure Cloud offers “Azure Functions” as a FaaS service to map this area of serverless computing. Thanks to the numerous triggers available, Azure Functions can be easily integrated into the Azure services already in use, such as Azure Service Bus, Cosmos DB or Blob Storage.

Due to the wide range of possible uses, I have already used Azure Functions more frequently in the past, for example to trigger the update of a statically generated website as soon as a change has been made to the published content in the CMS.

Function-as-a-Service sounds like the right approach for your problem? Contact me today!